REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Project Intersection Mowing and Snow Removal
March 10, 2025
Request For Proposals
Project Intersection Mowing and Snow Removal
The Lonesome Pine Regional Industrial Facilities Authority (LPRIFA) is seeking proposals for mowing and snow removal services for Project Intersection, a regional industrial park located in the City of Norton at the confluence of US 23 and US 58A.
Scope of Work
Mowing: Detailed mowing and trim work shall be done weekly during the growing season as determined by the LPRIFA and the contractor, on Pad IV the EarthLink Facility, and Pad 1A, the Wrap Facility upon completion of construction later in 2025. Mowing, with possible bailing of the remainder of Project Intersection shall be done twice during growing season at an agreed upon time by the contractor and LPRIFA. During the life of the contract, should additional Pad’s become occupied mowing of said Pad shall become detailed mowing.
Snow Removal: Snow Removal shall consist of all parking lot areas and entry roads to the specific Pads from the City of Norton maintained road. Snow removal shall be carried out so that access to the buildings and parking lot does not impede work by the respective building tenants.
A project viewing will be held at 10:00am at Project Intersection on Thursday March 20, 2025, meeting at the parking lot entrance to the EarthLink building on Pad IV.
Pricing shall be provided for mowing on a per occurrence cost for: detailed mowing for Pad IV, Pad1A, and for the remainder of the Project. It is understood that the unit cost for each will be different, thus individual occurrence pricing is required. The EarthLink Pad IV parking lot will be priced in component pieces, allowing for only the areas being utilized based on employment levels being plowed. Snow Removal pricing shall be per occurrence pricing for the parking areas and access road off the City of Norton maintained road for each, Pad IV and Pad 1A.
Qualifications and Requirements
Firms bidding on the work shall demonstrate that they have the capacity to undertake the work required. The bidder shall be insured by a firm licensed to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Virginia, providing documentation in the bid submittal and upon selection shall name the LPRIFA, as an additional insured on a policy of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence. The selected firm shall obtain any license which may be required to perform work within the City of Norton.
Bids shall be submitted either in person or via mail or delivery service to the LENOWISICO Offices addressed to:
Project Intersection Mowing and Snow Removal BID
372 Technology Lane
Suite 101
Duffield, VA 24244-5330
All bids must be received by 11:00am Friday, March 28, 2025. Bids not received by this time will not be accepted. The LPRIFA reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
William C. Wampler
Interim Director
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