March 10, 2025
TRUSTEE'S SALE OF PROPERTY located in Norton, Wise County, Virginia, and which tract or parcel of land is more particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land, with all appurtenances thereunto belonging and all improvements thereon, lying and being in Wise County, Virginia, on the waters of Bear Branch of Powells River, near the settlement of Needmore, containing 3.75 acres, more or less.
There is excepted from this conveyance two parcels containing .09 acre and .14 acre conveyed to the Commonwealth of Virginia 10/8/03 of record as Instrument No. 200400333.
IN EXECUTION OF A DEED OF TRUST by Abel Royce Wright dated January 11, 2010, of record in the Wise County Circuit Court Clerk's Office as Instrument Number 2010000204, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the back courthouse door in the Town of Wise, Wise County, Virginia, on the 15th day of April, 2025, at 11:00 a.m., the above described property. Reference is made to said Deed of Trust for a more particular description of said property.
TERMS: CASH. Minimum of 10% bid amount will be required to be paid at the time and place of sale, balance within 30 days or upon delivery of deed. Title will be conveyed by Special Warranty Deed upon payment of the balance of bid. Payment of both bid deposit and balance must be made by cash, cashier's check, certified check or postal money order payable to the undersigned as Trustee.
If additional information is desired, contact Renee D. Ray, Miners Exchange Bank, P. O. Box 1197, Coeburn, VA 24230, phone number (276) 395-2230.
P. O. Box 466
Lebanon, VA 24266
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